• Welcome To The Hickory Nut Gorge!



  • Marketing & Communications Marketing & Communications

    Promoting the Gorge for Economic Prosperity

    The Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge serves as the promotional hub for our community to build awareness and connect citizens, businesses and visitors. Through consistent communications efforts, the chamber’s focus areas include:

    • Create and maintain an online presence as a central clearinghouse for information on businesses, community organizations and events.

    • Work with local stakeholders to improve local maps, signs and information availability.

    • Promote our community as a great place to live, work and run a business.

    • Work with local government entities, tourism industry professionals and other key stakeholders to recruit new businesses and residents 

  • Chamber Investors Chamber Investors

    Business members can expand their marketing outreach by becoming a Chamber Partner/Investor.

    Several levels are available, each with exposure to Chamber followers on our website, Facebook page, eNewsletter, and event materials.

  • lake-lure-arts-crafts-festival.png
  • General Reach Stats General Reach Stats


    Facebook Followers: 2,460

    Website Search Hits: 53,812/yr

    Newsletter Audience: 750 - 6,400
    Based on eNews subscribers