Welcome to the Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge where we are committed to keeping our community informed and united as we recover from the devastating effects of Hurricane Helene.
Our beautiful region has faced significant challenges, but together, we are rebuilding stronger than ever. Here, you will find the latest updates on recovery efforts, resources for businesses and residents, and ways to get involved in revitalizing our beloved area.
Whether you're a local business owner, resident, or a friend of our community, we appreciate your support and invite you to join us in this journey of resilience and renewal.
Dec. 5 2024
Lake Level: The lake is in the process of coming up to about 2 feet below full pond (987.5 - +/- a few inches). The lake is being raised to aid in debris and boat removal. The plan is to remain at this level for now. Any significant changes in lake levels will be posted in these updates.
ONLY APPROVED CONTRACTORS MAY GO ON THE LAKE! Lake Lure is closed to everyone except approved contractors.
Debris Removal: Over 14,421 cubic yards of debris have been removed from the lake as of 12/4/24. The silt and debris is also now being removed from Morse Park. Morse Park is closed to the public until further notice.
Shoreline Debris Removal: Contractors are now removing debris from the shoreline. They will remove shoreline debris in the water and up to 5 feet above full pond. Sonar testing is being utilized to identify debris underwater.
Help Us Protect and Clean Our Lake: Attention all Lakefront Property Owners and Renters: Please do not put any debris, trash, or household items in the lake. Additionally, if you are washing boats near the shore, be sure no detergents or chemicals flow into the lake.
Water Quality Tests: The latest water quality tests are posted at the following link along with the history of the results. Results continue to be better than expected given the devastation in the area. https://www.townoflakelure.com/community/page/lake-lure-water-sample-reports
Contractors: The Lake Lure Town Council has announced that that the Lake is now open to approved contractors to navigate the waters to haul out or service motorized boats at their customers’ request. Additionally, approved service contractors may begin work on the lake as outlined below.
Emergency repairs to the sewer system. Constant removal hazardous debris from the lake as a top priority is ongoing. Removal of boats with emphasis on hazardous vessels first. Town officials are working to develop a comprehensive plan for recovery of the lake which will include dredging but the focus at this juncture is removing hazardous debris and silt removal.
Swift evacuation by first responders saving countless lives 9/27/24. Countless rescues first responders during and following Hurricane Helene. Coordination with the Rutherford County Emergency Management during and throughout the storm. Dam assessment and stabilization immediately following the storm event 9/27/24-9/29/24. Communication with the Rutherford County EOC and FEMA for recovery immediately following the storm. Coordination with volunteer groups to provide hot meals, shower services, restrooms, and handwashing stations in strategic locations by 10/1/24. Christian Aid Ministries served 8,080 hot meals and assisted 43 homeowners with cleanup of their homes and property. There were 164 volunteers and they spent 2,457 hours assisting our community! Creation of donation stations to disseminate supplies throughout town by 10/1/24. Cleared Highways and Town roads within days of the storm. Restoration of water service throughout Town with water quality testing allowing Boil Advisory lifted 10/14/24 and 10/16/24 respectively. Rapid repair of power services throughout Town by Duke Power and REMC. Establishment of temporary communications systems through Starlink (10 systems) and Cell on Wheels with AT&T and Verizon 10/16/24. Replacement of fiber to re-establish internet and cell service to the area 10/18/24. Repair to the left abutment of the Dam by 10/27/24. Army Corps of Engineers contract signed with AshBritt to oversee lake debris and silt/sedimentation removal during a 160 day period of performance beginning 10/28/24. Debris removal began 11/4/24. As of 12/4/24, 14,421 cubic yards of debris have been removed from the lake. Emergency repairs to the sewer system completed, allowing "no flush order" to be lifted for most on 10/28/24. Reopening of the Dam Bridge on Buffalo Shoals Road on 10/31/24. Dittmer Watts Nature Trails and a portion of the Green Space reopened on 11/19/24. Pressure Reducing Valve Construction in Lake Lure Town Center successfully completed 11/22/24. The Boys Camp Road Temporary Bridge was completed 11/26/24. The Town is committed to sharing details of the recovery process and as our comprehensive plans are developed, this information will continue to be shared broadly on the website and in Town Meetings.
Our community, along with many of our neighbors, has been devastated by the catastrophic flooding caused by Hurricane Helene. The Town of Lake Lure, NC is deeply grateful for the support our community has received. We have had numerous requests to establish a mechanism for financial donations. Please click on the following link to donate to the Town of Lake Lure Storm Recovery Fund.
Additional options for monetary donations include the following:
Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach: https://hickorynutgorgeoutreach.org/one-time-donation/ RHI Legacy Foundation will match any donation up to $50,000 at www.rhilegacyfoundation.com United Way of Rutherford County at www.unitedwayofrutherford.org Hurricane Helene – Força Foundation https://forcafoundation.com/hurricane-helene/ Restore Lake Lure Fundraising Campaign: www.RestoreLakeLure.com "The Restore Lake Lure campaign seeks to bridge the gap between governmental support and personal sacrifice."
Note: County Wide Debris Cleanup will occur if you are outside Town limits as well. The County advised they will make three passes. They cannot provide a schedule at this time. The US Army Corps of Engineers will also be assisting with debris pick up at a later date.
Parks Re-opened: The Dittmer-Watts Nature Trails and part of the Lake Lure Green Space (across the street from the Parks, Recreation, and Lake Department) are officially reopened to the public. All other parks are currently closed.
West-end Sewer System: Materials are in and contractors are ready to proceed with the work on the west-end sewer system. The Town is awaiting easements to begin the work.
Reservoir Drain Project: The reservoir drain project at the dam is underway. The last concrete pours are being done behind the dam. The drain will allow the town to lower the lake up to 20 feet if needed.
Note that Sea Tow and Lake Response/TowBoatUS are able to remove boats from boat houses and transport them to the lake for removal.
Approved commercial building contractors in the commercial model include:
Hard Trash/Debris Pick Up: Reminder that online requests have resumed for pickup for Hard Trash/Debris Pick Up within the Town of Lake Lure. Hard Trash Pickup will occur on Fridays.
The is the link for adding an online work order: https://townoflakelure.novokiosk.com/
For future reference: This link is on the home page of the Town’s website under “Fix It”:
Building contractors should submit a scope of work regarding lake use activities (with permits) to Community Development. You may email kmartin@townoflakelure.com with any questions.
Approved commercial boat removal companies include:
Debris Contractors as well as commercial service contractors in the Lake Lure Commercial Model are now authorized to access the lake using their commercially permitted boats.
Commercial service contractors not currently approved in the commercial model may apply for a commercial service permit by contacting prladmin@townoflakelure.com to be considered.
This will allow work on lake structures to resume from water; however, concrete work is excluded at this time due to a need for fluctuating lake levels for debris removal. (Please note that permits are still required)
Please note that lake debris removal continues at this time and their work is a priority.
While on Lake Lure during this continued State of Emergency, navigate the waters with respect for other contractors.
Debris contractors working with the US Army Corps of Engineers must take precedent and should be yielded to whenever possible. Please do not impede their progress.
Stay clear of their boats and barges and do not block their path or interfere with their work in any way.
Failure to comply may result in discontinuation of lake privileges.
Dec. 7th, 2024
Building Permits Update:
Chimney Rock Village coordinates all Building Permits with the Rutherford County Building Inspection Department. This includes Flood Zone Management. Any property owner, prior to contacting the County Inspection Department, should get a Zoning Approval Letter from Mr. Stephen Duncan, Zoning Administration for the Village. Send an email with your name, contact information, property address and the purpose of your construction directly to tevierides@aol.com. All fees are waived at this time for Zoning Reviews. Stephen will review and if there are any questions, will contact you directly. Once approved, Stephen will notify the Rutherford County Building Inspection Department of the approval and you will be ready to make application for appropriate Building Permits with that office.
Chimney Rock Village - Zoning Reviews:
Mr. Stephen G Duncan, Village Administration
For Building Permits or Specific Questions, including Flood Zone/Way Management:
Mr. Shane Dotson; Rutherford County Building Inspection Department
Office: (828) 287-6036
- Call the Rutherford County Building Inspection Department at 828-287-6035.
- Apply for a Commercial Building Repair Permit.
- Available online at Rutherford County website:
- May have to complete and have notarized an Owner Exemption Affidavit.
Ruth Sams or Shane Dotson are available to assist you with obtaining this permit.
No Permit Required for Demo/Basic Work: As property owners move forward, they do not need a Rutherford County Building Inspection Permit for demolition and basic work to protect the structural integrity of the building.
Permit Required for Restoration/Renovation: When restoration and renovation begin, a Rutherford County Building Permit is required and all necessary inspections. These are required prior to electricity being restored. Please contact the Rutherford County Building Inspector Office at 828-287-6035
Contractor Pass: Contractors working on behalf of Village property owners will be required to have a Pass, which is good from 7am – 7pm daily. Please contact Barbara Meliski at barmel@bellsouth.net to obtain a contractor pass. Each company will receive one pass for the contractor or supervisor and must accompany crews to the work site.
FEMA deadline for applications is Nov. 27, 2024. Tips for applying.
A special Relief Fund was established by the Chimney Rock Village Council at their Council meeting on October 15, 2024 to raise funds and provide assistance for the immediate needs of the residents, citizens, businesses and property owners adversely affected by tropical storm Helene. The Village application for assistance is now available at the Village Fire Department and online. Apply now for Helene Relief Funding.
The active community wells within Chimney Rock Village were analyzed for total coliform and e-coli on October 14, 2024. These test results showed no presence of bacteria. Therefore, the boil water advisory has been cancelled. Regular water system operations have resumed from the operational wells to include chlorination and water analysis as required by the State of North Carolina and Division of Environmental Quality. Please continue to perform water conservation.
A Chimney Rock Village Special Council Meeting will be held Tuesday, December 3, at 4 pm at the Chimney Rock Baptist Church on Boys Camp Road. This meeting is open to the public but is a Village Council meeting. The Chimney Rock Village Council opens the meeting for public questions and comments for residents and property owners at each meeting.
PUBLIC NOTICE: SHORT-TERM RENTALS IN THE CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE LIMITS: Please be aware that all short-term rentals as Conditional Use Permitted for Short-term Rental Uses. The Village Council suspended all Conditional Use Permits for Short-term Rentals until further notice but will review again at their regular meeting in June 2025. Short-term rentals are not allowed until further notice in Chimney Rock Village as infrastructure, roads, utilities and other items are not operating and visitors are not permitted nor are they to be granted access passes to enter the Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE: CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE ACCESS PASSES are only provided for property owners that are in the areas opened for property owner access. At present, these are only the immediate downtown east of Burntshirt and Terrace Drive and connected streets but no further west than Burntshirt Vineyard Restaurant. Any hiking or accessing other areas is not permitted at present and violators could be subject to violation penalties. These areas remain unsafe and anyone entering could be in danger and they would then endanger any rescue or assistance personnel needed. Please be patient until safer access is available and other areas are announced for securing a property owner pass. Note: A bridge to Southside Drive and two access bridges are being installed west of the downtown area allowing safer passage to Southside Drive, The Falls at Chimney Rock and the two campgrounds west of the downtown are being constructed. Updates on their completion will be announced as soon as these are open for public passage. FYI: NC DoT and their contractors will not work after 2 pm on Saturdays and will not work on Sundays. Eligible pass holders are requested to schedule, best as possible to plan their entry into the Village at these times for safety and to not slow or impeded the progress of the road construction contractors.
PUBLIC NOTICE: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - WORK SCHEDULE: NCDOT and their contractors will not work after 2 pm on Saturdays and will not work on Sundays. Eligible pass holders are requested to schedule, best as possible, to plan their entry into the Village at these times for safety and to avoid or impeded the progress of the road construction contractors. NCDOT and Wright Brothers Construction are operating large equipment and it is necessary to allow the workers and equipment to operate their equipment effectively. Please continue to watch both the FACEBOOK and the Village Web Site for updates.
In September 2024, Hurricane Helene struck the Lake Lure, Chimney Rock, and Bat Cave areas, devastating local businesses and livelihoods. While the community's natural beauty and charm sparked an outpouring of support, it quickly became clear that recovery efforts lacked coordination and focus. To address this challenge, a group of passionate locals and organizations came together to form the Foundation for Lake Lure/Chimney Rock Area Businesses, with the mission to foster long-term sustainability and resilience in the region.
Now, the Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge is proudly partnering with the Foundation to support the rebuilding and development of businesses in our area. By combining resources, expertise, and a shared vision, this partnership will help unite the community, strengthen the local economy, and ensure that the businesses of Lake Lure, Chimney Rock, and Bat Cave not only recover but thrive for generations to come. Through collaboration, dedication, and the support of those who love this area, we are determined to help our community Rise, Build, and Thrive.
DONATE TODAY: https://foundation4lakelurechimneyrock.com/home
Assistance for Individual Property and Businesses
US Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance: Loans for homeowners, renters, businesses, and nonprofits affected by the disaster. This includes:
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, many of us want to lend a hand to support the recovery of local businesses and community members. However, with the increase in donation appeals, it’s essential to ensure your contributions reach those who truly need it. Unfortunately, not all donation drives have clear guidelines, which can leave room for scams or mismanagement of funds. Here are some tips to ensure your donation goes to a legitimate and trustworthy organization:
1. Verify the Organization's Credentials
2. Be Cautious with Crowdfunding Campaigns
3. Look for Transparency
4. Consider Local Organizations with a Strong Community Presence
5. Trust Your Instincts
By taking these precautions, you can ensure your generous donation reaches the right hands, helping our community rebuild stronger after Hurricane Helene. Together, we can make a difference while protecting ourselves and each other from potential pitfalls.
Looking for the perfect getaway that gives back? When you book your next adventure with one of the Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge's special trips, you're not just treating yourself to an unforgettable experience—you’re directly supporting our local community's recovery efforts.
Hurricane Helene left its mark, and we’re dedicated to helping our business members access the resources they need to bounce back. By choosing a Chamber getaway, you're lending a hand to our beloved local businesses as they rebuild stronger than ever.
Enjoy the beauty of Hickory Nut Gorge and know that each trip you book is a step toward revitalizing our community.
Book your getaway today and make a lasting difference!
Secure your dream getaway now with our exclusive Book It Now options!
Looking for a holiday gift that keeps on giving? Grab a ticket to the Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge's Cash Cow Raffle!
Only 250 tickets will be sold, giving you fantastic odds of winning a grand prize of $1,500.
The drawing takes place on January 1, 2025, and the winner will be announced on Facebook, with a personal call and email.
Get extra attention for your special events and activities by submitting your event for inclusion in our Event Calendar, eNewsletter, and social media posts!
The Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge
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