It has been a while since I have personally reached out to our membership. Mostly because I took a year away from the Chamber. In light of events on September 27, and with the resignation of Yates, I was asked if I would be willing to step in and help our beloved Chamber through these rough waters. Of course, I agreed. Those who know me, know I have extreme respect for our community, its businesses, its future successes but also to plug in and help us recover and rebuild.
An important step we made, with a small local group of business owners, leaders and residents, we have focused most of our attention in supporting the formation of a 501(c)(3). This Charitable Non-profit is strictly missioned to support our area businesses through not only this crisis, but in an on-going effort through all the ups and downs of our region. Feel free to check out their website The Foundation board will be sending out more detailed information, along with grant opportunities, in the next couple of weeks.
With regard to the Chamber, it is important you know the work we are performing, behind the scenes. For instance, today we are attending a meeting in Swannanoa with the WNC Chamber of Commerce Executives Association. We are meeting with our State and Local representatives to discuss the impact to our areas and the assistance we still need. The focus, for our specific communities, will be to push getting another entrance to the Park built and get Chimney Rock Park opened and operating ASAP. Not in lieu of rebuilding the main entrance, but while they are rebuilding the other bridge in the Village and working to open the Village. Our businesses, residents and surrounding communities need this to happen, it is critical.
Moving forward, I will personally make an effort to keep our members updated on our work in progress. The weekly updates from our PR/Marketing, will change from a weekly update to monthly. Since we are functioning with a skeleton team, we are making adjustments as we work through these changes.
Lastly, we ended our lease at the Arcade to provide the Town of Lake Lure with office space. If you need us, send an email to the or leave us a voice message. Our phone is still connected and working. We will respond within a couple of days.
Until the next time, stay safe, stay strong and stay connected.
Laura P Doster
Disaster Relief Director
January 24 2025
Lake Status
Lake Restoration Status: Please note that although improvements in and around the lake are very encouraging, the debris and silt/sedimentation removal process is ongoing. The timeline for reopening the lake remains uncertain at this time. The restoration process is unprecedented and is also impacted by funding. Town Council and Town leadership are keenly aware of the importance of reopening the lake as soon as it is safe to do so. The Town is awaiting next steps from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Lake Silt/Sedimentation Removal: The USACE will continue work on debris removal through March. The next step is a contract for silt and sedimentation removal from the lake. (You may think of this as dredging, but the terminology used by USACE is silt/sedimentation removal.) We are extremely eager to reach this stage of the recovery process and will post updates as new information on silt/sedimentation removal becomes available.
Rutherford County Debris Removal/Free Mulch: Rutherford County has also been removing debris from the roadways. Rutherford County is giving away free double-ground mulch-like product on a first come, first served basis while supplies last beginning January 27, 2025. The mulch is available at the Rutherford County Landfill, 656 Laurel Hill Drive, Rutherfordton. Hours for pickup are Monday-Friday 10:00 am-2:00 pm. To get the double-ground mulch-like product, vehicles must check in at the Landfill scale house before being directed to the chip/mulch yard where an attendant will be on-site to direct and assist with loading. The public will not need to leave their vehicles during the visit. There is no limit to the amount the public may take while supplies last. The double-ground mulch-like product has not been treated for pests or parasites. The double-ground mulch-like product is repurposed from the Hurricane Helene cleanup collected throughout the County, such as tree limbs and brush. The materials are combined and ground into a useable material for landscaping.
Shoreline Debris Removal: Contractors are continuing to work to remove debris from the shoreline. They will remove shoreline debris in the water and up to 5 feet above full pond. Contractors are keenly aware of the shifting debris. Crews are making their way around the lake and will make additional passes to certain areas to get as much of the debris out as possible. In fact, Lake Lure is exceeding the original expectations for debris removal and the scope of work to remove the debris is being expanded to be sure all the debris is removed.
Governor Josh Stein: Governor Stein released the following statement regarding President Trump’s visit to western North Carolina: “It’s a positive signal that President Trump made his first visit outside the capital as President to our mountains. I thanked the President for coming and asked for his support of $20 billion in additional disaster relief and for 100% reimbursement of eligible FEMA expenses for another six months. “Families, businesses, and communities are struggling and need these urgent resources to help them rebuild. I look forward to working with the Trump Administration in the coming weeks and months to get people what they need to rebuild and recover.” President Trump visited areas of Western North Carolina today, 1/24/25.
Lake Lure is staying connected: Town of Lake Lure Council Members and Leaders are meeting regularly with our political representatives to continue to articulate the needs of our community. Council members have with the President of the United States, the Governor, and they meet with all other local representatives on an ongoing basis. The Town of Lake Lure has provided a comprehensive list of infrastructure needs with cost estimates to all levels of government. Town officials have received positive feedback from representatives regarding the detailed information provided. To continue to expedite funding and support for Lake Lure’s recovery, Council approved Hager Strategic Solutions as the new Lobbyist on 1/22/25. Mike Hager, President and Founder of Hager Strategic Solutions (HSS) has resided in Rutherford County for the last 30 years. He is a former Republican member of the NC House of Representatives, representing District 112. He was first elected to the chamber in 2010. Mr. Hager served as Majority Leader, Majority Whip and Majority Freshman Leader during his time in office. Since 2017, Hager Strategic Solutions has helped clients achieve their legislative strategic goals through political consulting and lobbying. With a combined 20+ years of experience, the HSS team can help you promote your policy reform and achieve results. HSS has extensive connections in the state legislative and executive branches and works closely with elected officials to ensure optimal results for you and your organization. HSS uses innovative approaches and proven strategies to guide legislation through the North Carolina General Assembly and achieve the best possible outcomes. The Town looks forward to working with Mr. Hagar to continue restoring Lake Lure.
Highway 64/74A Between Lake Lure and Chimney Rock Village: As of January 2025, Highway 64/74A between Lake Lure and Chimney Rock Village is closed as a result of the impacts of Hurricane Helene. The road is only open to residents, property and business owners, and approved construction workers. A checkpoint is in place at The Hickory Nut store just beyond The Geneva Motel. Only those with approved passes are allowed through. For questions please contact Chimney Rock Village.
NC DOT updates on Highway 64: A temporary road is expected to be open between Chimney Rock and Hendersonville is by February 28, 2025.
Proctor Road: The Town has worked with Morgan Corporation to begin addressing the landslide issue, creating additional space for passage until the problems can be fully resolved.
Boys Camp Road Permanent Bridge: The temporary bridge on Boys Camp Road is performing well but a permanent bridge is being designed. A timeline for this project is uncertain at this time.
Damaged Lake Structure List: Community Development Department is maintaining the list of Helene flood-damaged structures (lake structures like boat houses and docks that were damaged, as well as homes or businesses that were flooded). If your property was damaged and you have not been contacted by a Community Development staff person, please call 828-625-9983, x-117 or email so that we can help you get on your way to recovery. Very important: permits are required and lake access is still limited, but we can help you navigate through the process.
Green Space: If you have been by the Green Space today you may have noticed the work that is being done across from the Fire Station. This project is aimed at repairing the draining to prevent further erosion. The work could not take place this week due to the freezing temperatures but the project will continue very soon.
Cell Tower: Plans for building the cell tower off Boys Camp Road (behind Town Hall and across the river) are ongoing. The purpose for this location is that it provides the greatest reach for first responders across the Hickory Nut Gorge. The position of the cell tower is shifting slightly so the new location is being re-verified and the latest estimated target date is to begin construction in the spring of 2025. The property has been cleared of debris and sediment in preparation for the upcoming construction. A surveyor will be here this month to continue the process as the project moves forward.
DR-4827-NC Disaster Fact Sheet (DFS075) Jan 22 2025: FEMA continues to work with survivors in Transitional Sheltering Assistance Program. FEMA is contacting Tropical Storm Helene survivors staying in hotel rooms paid for by FEMA to ensure their continued need for the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program. The short-term sheltering program pays for hotel rooms for homeowners and renters displaced by Helene while they find permanent housing solutions or make repairs to their homes. Eligibility reviews are a key part of the program’s management. These occur periodically to ensure that available rooms are being used by those in need.
Due to the extenuating circumstances in Western North Carolina, FEMA representatives will be calling any survivors who may become ineligible to work with them and to give them additional time to check out of their hotel room. Now, instead of seven days, survivors who are no longer eligible for the program will have three weeks’ notice.
Keep your recovery on track. Survivors who still need assistance with their recovery should stay in touch with FEMA to provide regular updates on their housing status and update contact information so their recovery process is not delayed. Anyone who has received a notification and still needs housing assistance, should call the helpline at 800- 621-FEMA (3362) or visit a Disaster Recovery Center. No appointment is needed. To find those center locations, go to or text “DRC” and a ZIP code to 43362.
Deadline Extended: FEMA has extended the deadline to apply for Hurricane Helene assistance in North Carolina to Thursday, 2/6/25. "North Carolina Tropical Storm Helene survivors now have until Feb. 6, 2025, to apply for assistance with FEMA. Homeowners and renters in 39 counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians with uninsured losses from Tropical Storm Helene are eligible to apply for FEMA assistance." Disaster survivors who have not yet applied for FEMA assistance should apply at the local Disaster Recovery Center at the Mountains Branch Library, online at, or on the FEMA App, on mobile devices, or call the FEMA Helpline toll-free at 800-621-3362.
Crisis Counseling, Mental Health Resources Available for Helene Survivors: The NC Department of Health and Human Services’ Hope4NC Crisis Counseling Program provides immediate support and crisis counseling services for North Carolinians following Helene. Survivors experiencing stress, emotional fatigue, a mental health crisis or just need someone to talk to, can call the Hope4NC Helpline 24/7 at 1-855-587-3463. Services are provided at no cost and are available to anyone residing within the declared 39 North Carolina counties and tribal members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, regardless of their eligibility for FEMA financial assistance. Additionally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Helpline is available anytime to provide support. Survivors and responders feeling overwhelmed can call or text 1-800-985-5990 to receive free, confidential support in any language.
FEMA Resources: Please visit the following link to review the full library of FEMA documents provided in response to Hurricane Helene:
except for approved contractors. The timeline for Lake restoration is uncertain at this time. The timeline for removing all of the debris, silt, and sedimentation is unknown. Updates regarding Lake restoration and the timeline for reopening the Lake will be provided here as new information becomes available.
Please note that lake debris removal continues at this time and their work is a priority.
Debris Contractors as well as commercial service contractors in the Lake Lure Commercial Model are now authorized to access the lake using their commercially permitted boats.
Building contractors should submit a scope of work regarding lake use activities (with permits) to Community Development. You may email with any questions.
Note: Sea Tow, Lake Response/TowBoatUS and Hartwell Lake Service are able to remove boats from boat houses and transport them to the lake for removal.
Note: County-Wide Debris Cleanup is occuring for those outside Town limits as well. The County advised they will make three passes. They cannot provide a schedule at this time. The US Army Corps of Engineers is also assisting with debris pick up through a contract with AshBritt.
Plans for the sewer system restoration/replacement project are uncertain at this time as the Town is awaiting updates on potential funding.
In the meantime, the lift station repairs below the dam are going well. Everything is mechanically connected. We are running on portable pumps now.
The Waste Water Treatment Plant is operational and work is being done to fully restore the plant.
All related work orders are being updated and will be presented in Town Council in February 2025.
West-end Sewer System: Materials are in and contractors are ready to proceed with the work on the West-end sewer system. The Town has been working hard to obtain easements and we are awaiting these easements to begin the work. The work cannot begin until the easements are obtained from property owners. Town Council took legal steps to expedite the process on 1/14/25.
Reminder - Utility Bills Resume in January: Please note that utility billing will resume in 2025.
Town Hall is currently operating out of office space in the Arcade Building including the Town Manager, Town
Clerk, Administration, and Community Development.
You may reach staff at their phone online extensions and the staff Directory is located on the Town website at:
For questions, you may email
United Way:
United Way of Rutherford County at
The Community Foundation for Western NC (CFWNC) Hurricane Helene Relief and Recovery Effort: (Regional Funders, Donors and Others Coordinating for Hurricane Relief in Western North Carolina). CFWNC activated its Emergency and Disaster Response Fund to accept and disburse funds supporting a regional response and relief efforts in 18 counties of Western North Carolina including the Qualla Boundary on September 29. Funds ensure that nonprofits have the resources they needed for the critical early response and continuing recovery. Administrative fees are waived so that every dollar goes directly to assistance. *To donate by check: make your check payable to The Community Foundation and mail it to 4 Vanderbilt Park Drive, Ste. 300, Asheville, NC 28803; please include EDRF in the memo line. $17,498,653 in 394 Grants Awarded as of 1/1/25. To apply for a grant visit:
Our community, along with many of our neighbors, has been devastated by the catastrophic flooding caused by Hurricane Helene. The Town of Lake Lure, NC is deeply grateful for the support our community has received. We have had numerous requests to establish a mechanism for financial donations. Please click on the following link to donate to the Town of Lake Lure Storm Recovery Fund.
Additional options for monetary donations include the following:
January 13, 2025
FEMA’s Transitional Sheltering Assistance is providing hotel rooms to thousands of Western North Carolina survivors displaced by Helene. For eligible families, the program will continue through the end of March 2025. Learn more.
On Friday at 6:45 am over 200 people directly impacted by Helene boarded buses at the Asheville Mall and headed for Medina, Ohio for a remarkable event. None of us knew what to expect, but the event "Promise of Christmas" blew us away. It was organized by Mark Klaus, who owns Castle Noel in Medina.
The people of Medina came out for western NC and showed us so much love, compassion, and support. They treated us to several wonderful activities including a welcome celebration and fireworks. We felt unworthy of this attention but it truly touched us deeply. The support of strangers from a small town 500 miles away definitely gave us a boost and needed energy to continue our rebuilding efforts. It showed us we are not in this alone and people all over the country want to help us.
Medina’s downtown businesses and square were destroyed in 1848 and in1870 by fire but the town rose from the ashes and became the beautiful place it is today. Several townspeople assured me that Chimney Rock Village could arise from our disaster and become even better than before. Not only do I believe them but I can see it starting to happen already. 2025 is the year of recovery and we will make it happen.
Mayor Dennis Hanwell, Castle Noel, Mark Klaus, and the people of Medina are now our friends. They want to continue to help and we will lean on them going forward for advice, ideas, and support. It is truly a remarkable little town and I hope to return some day. I also hope to invite them to visit Chimney Rock Village to witness our recovery.
RFQ for Engineering Firms
Chimney Rock Village is requesting proposals from qualified engineering firms to assist the Village with defining recovery activities and coordinate with State and Federal partners to prioritize recovery projects and maximize federal funding. Full Details. Deadline December 19, 2024.
PUBLIC NOTICE: SHORT-TERM RENTALS IN THE CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE LIMITS: Please be aware that all short-term rentals as Conditional Use Permitted for Short-term Rental Uses. The Village Council suspended all Conditional Use Permits for Short-term Rentals until further notice but will review again at their regular meeting in June 2025. Short-term rentals are not allowed until further notice in Chimney Rock Village as infrastructure, roads, utilities and other items are not operating and visitors are not permitted nor are they to be granted access passes to enter the Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE: CHIMNEY ROCK VILLAGE ACCESS PASSES are only provided for property owners that are in the areas opened for property owner access. At present, these are only the immediate downtown east of Burntshirt and Terrace Drive and connected streets but no further west than Burntshirt Vineyard Restaurant. Any hiking or accessing other areas is not permitted at present and violators could be subject to violation penalties. These areas remain unsafe and anyone entering could be in danger and they would then endanger any rescue or assistance personnel needed. Please be patient until safer access is available and other areas are announced for securing a property owner pass. Note: A bridge to Southside Drive and two access bridges are being installed west of the downtown area allowing safer passage to Southside Drive, The Falls at Chimney Rock and the two campgrounds west of the downtown are being constructed. Updates on their completion will be announced as soon as these are open for public passage. FYI: NC DoT and their contractors will not work after 2 pm on Saturdays and will not work on Sundays. Eligible pass holders are requested to schedule, best as possible to plan their entry into the Village at these times for safety and to not slow or impeded the progress of the road construction contractors.
PUBLIC NOTICE: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - WORK SCHEDULE: NCDOT and their contractors will not work after 2 pm on Saturdays and will not work on Sundays. Eligible pass holders are requested to schedule, best as possible, to plan their entry into the Village at these times for safety and to avoid or impeded the progress of the road construction contractors. NCDOT and Wright Brothers Construction are operating large equipment and it is necessary to allow the workers and equipment to operate their equipment effectively. Please continue to watch both the FACEBOOK and the Village Web Site for updates.
In September 2024, Hurricane Helene struck the Lake Lure, Chimney Rock, and Bat Cave areas, devastating local businesses and livelihoods. While the community's natural beauty and charm sparked an outpouring of support, it quickly became clear that recovery efforts lacked coordination and focus. To address this challenge, a group of passionate locals and organizations came together to form the Foundation for Lake Lure/Chimney Rock Area Businesses, with the mission to foster long-term sustainability and resilience in the region.
Now, the Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge is proudly partnering with the Foundation to support the rebuilding and development of businesses in our area. By combining resources, expertise, and a shared vision, this partnership will help unite the community, strengthen the local economy, and ensure that the businesses of Lake Lure, Chimney Rock, and Bat Cave not only recover but thrive for generations to come. Through collaboration, dedication, and the support of those who love this area, we are determined to help our community Rise, Build, and Thrive.
Assistance for Individual Property and Businesses
US Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance: Loans for homeowners, renters, businesses, and nonprofits affected by the disaster. This includes:
The Community Foundation for Western NC (CFWNC) Hurricane Helene Relief and Recovery Effort: (Regional Funders, Donors and Others Coordinating for Hurricane Relief in Western North Carolina). CFWNC activated its Emergency and Disaster Response Fund to accept and disburse funds supporting a regional response and relief efforts in 18 counties of Western North Carolina including the Qualla Boundary on September 29. Funds ensure that nonprofits have the resources they needed for the critical early response and continuing recovery. Administrative fees are waived so that every dollar goes directly to assistance. *To donate by check: make your check payable to The Community Foundation and mail it to 4 Vanderbilt Park Drive, Ste. 300, Asheville, NC 28803; please include EDRF in the memo line. $17,498,653 in 394 Grants Awarded as of 1/1/25. To apply for a grant visit:
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, many of us want to lend a hand to support the recovery of local businesses and community members. However, with the increase in donation appeals, it’s essential to ensure your contributions reach those who truly need it. Unfortunately, not all donation drives have clear guidelines, which can leave room for scams or mismanagement of funds. Here are some tips to ensure your donation goes to a legitimate and trustworthy organization:
1. Verify the Organization's Credentials
2. Be Cautious with Crowdfunding Campaigns
3. Look for Transparency
4. Consider Local Organizations with a Strong Community Presence
5. Trust Your Instincts
By taking these precautions, you can ensure your generous donation reaches the right hands, helping our community rebuild stronger after Hurricane Helene. Together, we can make a difference while protecting ourselves and each other from potential pitfalls.
Looking for the perfect getaway that gives back? When you book your next adventure with one of the Chamber of Hickory Nut Gorge's special trips, you're not just treating yourself to an unforgettable experience—you’re directly supporting our local community's recovery efforts.
Hurricane Helene left its mark, and we’re dedicated to helping our business members access the resources they need to bounce back. By choosing a Chamber getaway, you're lending a hand to our beloved local businesses as they rebuild stronger than ever.
Enjoy the beauty of Hickory Nut Gorge and know that each trip you book is a step toward revitalizing our community.
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